Friday, September 5, 2008

photo of neighbor gina

so this pic is the one i took of my class neighbor gina, with her digital camera, and my first photoshop attempt. i chose the grayscale version vs. the rgb. i multiplied a yellow color over her shirt, in order to appear as a shade and not a whole color block, as well as, a pink shade over her lips. the photo was cropped originally centered she's off to the right and added an oh so cool highway background. the instructor helped me cut and paste the background and then enlarge behind her as a seperate layer, holding down the shift key allowed me to fit the photo into the space. i used a lot of the magnetic lasso tool. i believe this is a total of 4 layers. her face, the shirt, the lips, then the background. i used the eraser and paint tool to enhance her lips, which is kind of sloppy. it was a frustrating experience, but i'd like t think i learned a little of the program. the options are endless and look forward to at least becoming a little more knowledgeable with the program. so much manipulation so little time.

1 comment:

Adele said...

The changes you made show the viewer a different person.